
오영섭 목사
RUSTA Co-representative and Co-Founder
Landmarker Ministry Representative
World population has gone over 7.6 billion in 2019 already. 244 million among them are international migrants. 3.1 billion people within world population are classified as ‘unreached peoples’ and 7.7% are migrants. In Korea, 2019, there are 2.7 million immigrants, including labour migrants, married migrants, international students, refugees, and the next generation. Korea is facing a demographic cliff and is already a multicultural nation. Number of immigrants are constantly increasing. Reasons for the increase are; Korea’s economic development has created the ‘Korean Dream’ and has attracted young people from 3rd class countries, increased demand for labour within Korea, international marriage with Korean countryman and their multi-cultured next generation, ‘Study Korea Project’ for international students, accepting of North Korean Defectors and foreign refugees and the global popularity of Korean culture, which is called ‘The Korean Wave’ or ‘Hallyu’.
God is sending all the nations to Korea from all the continents. God’s heart is within them.
In 2016, Landmarker Ministry started the first RUSTA (RUssian Speaking nations To All nations) with Onnuri M Center and CIS Minister’s Union.
RUSTA provides a network which connects migrants from 11 CIS nations, churches and ministries within Korea. It is one of the ways to make missionary to the unreached peoples possible. Most of unreached people within 10/40 window are located on the borders of Russia, therefore it is possible to send them back as missionaries for the world mission and mission for the unreached people. Young adult camps, adult camps, and children’s camps are held together as RUSTA is a generational integration camp which goes beyond the ‘Unity of Nations’ and the ‘Unity of Churches’ and achieves the ‘Unity of Generations’. As we eagerly wait for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, we passionately dream of God’s heart and God’s vision towards every nation, every generation and every sphere.

노규석 목사
RUSTA Co-Representer & Co-Founder
Onnuri M-center Chief Center Manager
RUSTA is an amazing missionary revival movement initiated by God himself and is led by God. Many brothers and sisters from Russian speaking nations come and experience God’s heart at RUSTA, also their lives are changed as they encounter with Jesus. Further, we are dreaming of transforming the nations with Holy Spirit. Through RUSTA, we expect that various peoples from all nations will worship God in various cultures and languages and experience the joy and glory of heaven. Being able to participate in the RUSTA missionary revival movement is something that makes my heart tremble personally. Hope you will also be able to participate in RUSTA to enjoy this heavenly joy and glory.