Onnuri M Center is an organization affiliated with Onnuri Church and has begun to help immigrants (foreign workers, international students, and multicultural families) who have come to Korea since 1993. In 2005, Onnuri M Center was opened in Wongok-dong, Ansan, starting with the Onnuri M Center building in May 2016, and as of August 2017, the M Center was established in Ansan, Gimpo, Hwaseong, and Pyeongtaek. Twenty-six communities for foreign adults and six communities for the next generation are gathering to worship. More than 900 foreigners and volunteers gather every week at M Center, and each center operates a Korean language School, medical treatment, and a shelter for foreigners. In Ansan, Onnuri Regional Children's Center, an after-school class for multicultural children, is operated and a multicultural extention education center for adults is operated. Through this, they are serving the immigrants in our land.
Affiliated communities- Russia, Nepal, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, China, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Persian, Multicultural Yekkum(for Kindergarten kids), kkumddang
(for Elementary schoolers), Powerwave(for Middle and High Schoolers), Y-er (for Young adults)

Landmark is a "ground stone" built by a traveler who go on a long journey to return home, and refers to buildings or sculptures representing and symbolizing a city or country. We call the designers and architects who design and build these landmarks ‘Landmarker’. God is the Landmarker in His Kingdom. At the same time, behind all the revival movements in history there are Landmarkers who gave their lives to lead souls to the kingdom of God and to establish them as Kingdom builders. With this vision, Landmarker Ministry has raised Landmarkers among all nations, all generations and all spheres.
Landmarker Ministry was established in Seoul (2005) to preach the gospel among all nations, all generations and all spheres, centering on urban missions (urban generations). As a base camp for Landmarker Ministry, The Forest of Living Water Church was built on the basis of multinational, multicultural, and multilingual ministry and is a missionary multicultural church to incubate the International Student Resource Movement(ISVM), a missionary power of the "Migrant Missionary Era." We are committed to the ministry that goes beyond the urban generation among all nations, all generations and all spheres and to equip them for Christ. We welcome co-ministers who will devote themselves to God's heart for all nations, all generations and all spheres.

Global Core Ministry
Founded in April 2016 with the aim of establishing souls called to fulfill God's dream for the world as leaders of each generation, Global Core Ministry is a missional organization of an union of sound non-profit churches.
Our'Global Core Ministr' exchanges with domestic and abroad missionary organizations and it has not stopped missionary works
for the mission of God's Kingdom expecially by joining local unindependent churches.
Also, with the aim of fostering the growing next-generation global leaders, the English camp is hosted in summer and winter as well as we are working hard to foster the next-generation leaders who will lead the world by partnering with local Christian schools such as San Diego, Seattle, and Hawaii etc.
Looking at the Christian generations that had collapsed as time goes by, our 'Global Core Ministry' has been operating an academy since 2014 with the aim of establishing an alternative Christian school in Korea with a specific direction.
We will restore a soul by the gospel as long as the Lord permits and take the lead in fully performing its role in returning to the Lord for all generations.